Online Payment

Start Taking Card Payments Online On Your Web Site Through Our Hosted Or Integrated Payment Services.


Online card holder not present (CNP) solutions are those that let you buy and pay for products and services online. The merchant is given access to a series of integration options that allow them to securely pass customer information to the infrastructure to perform the credit or debit card transaction on their behalf returning an accepted or declined response as required.

Merchants can integrate in a number of ways

Hosted Form

With a hosted form solution a consumer goes through the purchasing process on a merchant’s site, when they reach the payment stage they are passed to SmartPay via HTTPS. Along with the request passing them to SmartPay important information including their name, address and the transaction value is also passed over. This information is encrypted and is then used to dynamically populate a payments page. The payments page can be designed with the merchants branding, controlled via the Revolution portal.

The webpage will give the consumer the opportunity to input their credit or debit card information and submit the transaction for processing. When the payment has been authorised the merchant has the option of having a specific script called and forwarding the consumer to a “Thank you” page.

This method ensures the merchant can accept credit and debit card payments quickly and easily with very little integration but also without having to handle or store credit card information and consequently going through a PCI DSS compliance process.


The XML API option is for those merchants who want to take advantage of greater flexibility and are happy to assume additional responsibility when processing consumer payments. The merchant would take the credit or debit card details of the consumer securely, using SSL encryption from within their website. The transaction is then submitted to the merchant’s website which securely sends an XML request containing the card holder and credit card information to SmartPay.

The merchant can have the option of using the credit or debit card information once only, storing it within their system or taking advantage of the SmartPay tokenisation capability (which is better specified below). The merchant must go through a PCI DSS self-certified assessment if they are taking and storing credit card information. Such assessments are usually insisted on by the merchant’s acquirer or alternatively SmartPay can provide this as an additional service.


LinkToPay is the first service launched as part of its PayAnyway product suite, created to provide innovative and convenient ways for customers to pay and merchants to get paid. LinkToPay enables you to send a payment request to a customer by email or by text message with a link for them to pay you securely via a web page. The secure web page is responsive allowing payments to be made simply and easily through mobile devices as well as computers.

LinkToPay also generates a short URL as well as a QR code enabling customers to incorporate alternative options to pay in both printed and posted invoices.LinkToPay helps you get paid faster and makes it more convenient for your customers and improving your cashflow.

How does LinkToPay work?

Value Added Services


Tokenisation solves certain elements of PCI DSS compliance for those merchants that are using the SmartPay XML API. As opposed to storing credit or debit card information within the merchant’s server they can send a request to SmartPay as part of the initial authorisation, requesting a “token” to be returned. The token is effectively a code generated that the merchant can use for future transactions using the same card information and is particularly useful for organisations that give their customers the flexibility to make repeat purchases without having to re-input their credit and debit card details. The card information is stored securely within the PCI DSS Level 1 compliant infrastructure reducing the level of PCI DSS compliance required by the merchant.

Schedule Pay

Schedule Pay provides the ability for merchants to setup recurring credit and debit card transactions with their consumers processing weekly, monthly, quarterly or annually. Schedule Pay can be used via the hosted form, XML API as well as the online MOTO terminal. Schedule Pay agreements will continue until they are cancelled, the card expires or the payment fails, at which point a notification is shown within the Revolution portal giving the opportunity for the merchant to update the Schedule Pay agreement to new details as required.

The benefits of accepting card payments with Smartpay..

Fast and secure transactions.

No hassle switching with our easy switch team.

Low rates - no hidden fees.

Grow your business.

24/7 support & service.